Filmby Aarhus is a part of th EU project EPIC-WE, focused on cultural encounters and game development for young cultural citizens.

"Empowered Participation through Ideating Cultural Worlds and Environments: Youth imagining, creating and exchanging cultural values and heritage through game-making".
In EPIC-WE, cultural organizations, research institutions, and creative industry organizations from five European countries have come together to explore and support young people's development of games as a form of cultural exchange. In Denmark, ARoS, Aarhus University, and Filmby Aarhus are collaborating to emphasize the role of games as a cultural medium and nurture the development of the next generation of game development talents.
Together with the project partners Filmby Aarhus is developing a model for Game Jams - a 48-hour event where participants with interests in art, culture, and games come together to develop games based on the cultural heritage that surrounds us.
EPIC-WE will take place over a three-year period from 2023-2026. Within this timeframe, a total of 12 Game Jams will be organized across the participating countries, which include Denmark, The Netherlands, Portugal, Italy, and Belgium.

Regitze Mai Møller
Telefon: +45 61 77 55 37
E-mail: remm@aarhus.dk